MR / PR Lagoon safari trip to snorkel with marinelife - stingrays (Himantura fai)Lagoon safari trip to snorkel, stingrays (Himantura fai), small blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) and a variety of fish including the Pacific Double-saddle butterflyfish (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Papua New Guinea, Nudibranch (Chromodoris sp. )Papua New Guinea, Nudibranch (Chromodoris sp.)
Spyhopping Orca Killer Whale (Orca orcinus) near San Juan Island, WA State, USA
Southern elephant seal pup, Mirounga leonina, resting on a beach. Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands
A southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, portrait. Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands
Jumbo White Spider Star, USA
Indonesia, Raja Ampat. Schooling fish and a coral reefSchooling fish and coral reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Natural occuring Red & Green Fluorescence in Stony Corals & Encrusting Corals, captured with special ultraviolet light-blocking filters, Palau, Micronesia, Rock Islands, World Heritage Site
Giant Clam, Agincourt Reef, Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland, Australia
Night dive at Barrier Reef near Saint Georges Caye, Fluorescence emitted at night, exposed with special UV blocking filters, Belize, Central America
Indo Pacific Sea Anemone, Day Fluorescing, Palau, Rock Islands-World Herititage Site, Micronesia
Fused Staghorn Coral, Day Fluorescing, Palau, Rock Islands-World Herititage Site, Micronesia
Fluorescing Underwater Macro images
Burrowing Tube Anemone, Night Fluorescing, Puerto Galera, Philippines
Sea Anemone
Tide Pool, Starfish and Sea Anemone, Cannon Beach, Pacific Ocean, Oregon, USA
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin / Stenella longirostris
USA, California, La Jolla, Sea lion at La Jolla Cove
South Pacific, Solomon Islands. Close-up of a colorful Christmas tree worm or burrowing tube worm. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
South Pacific, Solomon Islands. A hawkfish swims above a sea fan. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Chain-lined wrasse, Kula Eco Park, Coral Coast, Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific
Sailfin tang (Zebrasoma veliferum), Kula Eco Park, Coral Coast, Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific
Papua New Guinea, New Britain Island. A crab lives commensally with and matches its color to its host sea cucumber. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Sulawesi Island, Buyat Bay. A cuttlefish swims over hard coral. Credit asCuttlefish (Sepiida) swimming over hard coral, Buyat Bay, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Raja Ampat. Abstract view of hard coralAbstract view of hard coral, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Raja Ampat, Misool. Detail of the multi-colored growth pattern of a sea fan coralMulti-colored growth pattern of sea fan coral, Misool, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Raja Ampat, Aljui Bay. Close-up of nocturnal bobtail squid. Credit asNocturnal bobtail squid (Sepiolida), Aljui Bay, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Raja Ampat. Side view of regal angelfishRegal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus), Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Sulawesi, Lembeh Straits. A banggi cardinalfish swims past sea anemone tentacles. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Sulawesi Island, Lembeh Straits. Squat lobster lives commensally with barrel sponges. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, New Guinea Island, Raja Ampat. Close-up of cuttlefish amid corals. Credit asCuttlefish (Sepiida) amid corals, Raja Ampat, New Guinea Island, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Papua, Raja Ampat. Bluebell tunicates and soft coralsBluebell tunicates and soft corals, Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Papua, Raja Ampat, Batanta IslandHermit crab (Paguroidea) emerging from freshly adopted shell amid coral, Batanta Island, Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indonesia, Papua, Raja Ampat. Close-up of front of lobsterMulticolored lobster (Panulirus ornatus), Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia. Credit as: Jones-Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Fakfak, Triton Bay. Close-up of soft-coral goby fish living on soft tree coral. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Papua, Fakfak. Close-up of feather-duster worm. Credit as: Jones & Shimlock / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont
N. A. USA, Washington, LaPush. Sea stars at low tide, Second BeachN.A. USA, Washington, LaPush. Sea stars at low tide, Second Beach
NA, USA, Washington, La Push Sea stars exposed at low tide at Second BeachNA, USA, Washington, La Push. Sea stars exposed at low tide at Second Beach
Breaching Orca Killer Whale (Orca orcinus) near San Juan Island, WA State, USA
Orca Killer Whales (Orca orcinus) near San Juan Island, WA State, USA
WA, Salt Creek Recreation Area, Sea star on kelp, Pacific henricia sea star
North America, USA, WA, Olympic NP, Shi Shi Beach sea stars and giant green anemonesUSA, Washington, Olympic NP, Shi Shi Beach. sea stars and giant green anemones, low tide
USA, Washington, Orcas Island (Large format sizes available)
USA, Washington, Orcas Island, Purple Star, Starfish (Large format sizes available)
North America, USA, North Carolina, Nags Head. Ghost Crab excavating a burrowUSA, North Carolina, Nags Head. Ghost Crab excavating a burrow
USA, Hawaii, Big Island, Water drips from tail of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) in Pacific Ocean along Kona Coast
NA, USA, Florida, Homossassa Manatee, endangered species
NA, USA, Florida, Homossassa Manatees, endangered species
NA, USA, Florida Endangered manateeNA, USA, Florida. Endangered manatee
Manatee, sea cow in Florida waters. manatee, sea cow, mammal, florida, underwaterNA, USA, Florida. Manatee, sea cow in Florida waters
NA, USA, California, Santa Barbara Islands Strawberry anemonesNA, USA, California, Santa Barbara Islands. Strawberry anemones
USA, California, Santa Barbara Islands. Strawberry anemones
06Club-Tipped Anemone, Corynactis californica
NA, USA, California, Monterey. Fish swim in an underwater display at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
06South East Alaska, Inside Passage, View of humpback whale tail and fishing boat in sea at sunset
08USA, Utah, Shells of freshwater snails and clams on shore of Bear lake, close-up
USA, Alaska, Southeast Alaska, Spawning red salmon (Large format sizes available)
Alaska, Humpback WhaleNorth America, USA, Alaska, Humpback Whale
CA, Costa Rica, Cocos Island Bluestripe snapper (Lutjanos kasmira)CA, Costa Rica, Cocos Island. Bluestripe snapper (Lutjanos kasmira)
CA, Costa Rica, Cocos Island Marbled Ray (Taeniura meyeici)CA, Costa Rica, Cocos Island. Marbled Ray (Taeniura meyeici)
SA, Colombia, Malpelo Island Blue and gold snapper (Lutjanus viridis)SA, Colombia, Malpelo Island. Blue and gold snapper (Lutjanus viridis)
NA, Mexico, Baja, San Ignacio Bay. Gray whale back and blow hole
Galapagos Islands. Sculpin
Galapagos Islands. Toxic Sea Urchin
Ecuador, Bartholome Island, Galapagos Islands National Park, Schooling Yellowtail Surgeonfish (Prionurus latclavius)
Ecuador, Wolf Island, Galapagos Islands National Park, Schooling Yellowtail Surgeonfish (Prionurus latclavius)
Ecuador, Santa Fe Island, Galapagos Islands National Park, Baby Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)
Yellowtail Grunts (Anisotremus interruptus) Floreana Island GALAPAGOS ISLANDSYellowtail Grunts (Anisotremus interruptus) Floreana Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Abundant in all islands of the archipelago. Peru north to Baja
Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) off of Darwin Island north Galapagos ArchepelagoSpotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) off of Darwin Island, north Galapagos Archepelago, Ecuador
Central Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, near Big Island, Sub Adult Humback Whales (Megaptera novaengliae)
North America, USA, Hawaii. Sea shell details